Sunday, July 4, 2010


We got my dad a Wii for Father's Day last year. After more than six months without touching it, I decided that it was high time we bowled again. Too bad I'd forgotten how sore you are after bowling game after game.

I even tried to teach my 70-something year old grandfather how to bowl. He used to bowl all the time and has a bunch of trophies from tournaments he'd competed in and whatnot. It was no easy feat trying to teach him because he had a stroke over 20 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised when he hung in there and bowled an entire game without giving up and saying he couldn't do it. The experience could've only been better if he'd won the game. Unfortunately I'm not capable of throwing a game just to go easy on someone. Is that mean?

For a short time this morning, my parents and I thought we might have to have a Wii marathon because it was so overcast and rainy. Luckily the rain stopped and we went to beach, even though it was far from sunny, and hung out for a few hours. When we were getting ready to leave, I decided that I'm ready for retirement. But only if I can just hang out and go to the beach whenever I feel like it.

We did manage to squeeze in a few games of bowling before I left. My dad was insistent on just one game. Then just one more. And then one more. He is hilarious to watch when things don't go the way he wants them to. He promised me that he'd be practicing and that he'd beat me the next time we play. We'll see about that. I have the best record in our house. In fact, I probably have the best record of anyone that's ever played on our machine! Yeah, I said it!

If only I could bowl another 298 game. That might be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Thank goodness I had witnesses AND pictures of the TV screen.

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