Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Month

I love March. I just do. And my love for it doesn't just have to do with the fact that it's my birthday month. That should just make it more appealing to everyone else! I kid, I kid.

I love March because it's when people start breaking out their warm-weather clothes again and wearing brighter colors and when you can start going to the beach or laying out by the pool and people don't think you've either lost your marbles or just trying to rub it in their faces.

The past few days, I was working a meeting and as I sat looking outside at the pretty palm trees blowing in the wind on the golf course, I just realized "It's March!" I feel like the world just starts to look different this month. I love it. It's fresh, it's fun, Spring is well on it's way. I think the air might even smell a little different. It's also that time of year where it's warmer outside than it is inside and you feel the difference when you leave a building. It's no secret that I do not enjoy cold weather. I love it when I am inside somewhere, like the mall or movie theater, and am hit with warm air. This is the time of year when that starts.

With all this warm weather fast approaching (except for the cold front that's supposed to hit us tomorrow night), it reminds me that I need to be getting more and more serious about working out. This butterball wants to be in a bathing suit and have just one summer where she doesn't have to suck in and walk around all stiff to keep to much from jiggling for just one bathing suit season. And you ladies reading this know exactly what I'm talking about! If you don't, you're either kidding yourself or I hate you. Or both! Hehe

On a completely different note, I just read
Delivering Happiness - A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of I'm normally a mindless chick-lit reader and I don't deviate much from that, except for the occassion biography of Church leaders or other LDS topics, but I really enjoyed it. It was an easy read, but I feel like I got a lot of good information out of it, so if you're in to that sort of reading, you'll probably like it. In fact, I sort of want to move to Louisville or Vegas to work for zappos now. Maybe I should wait until the Kool-Aid wears off a little before renting an apartment, though. I can't do anything for at least six weeks anyway.

There were A LOT of links in that last paragraph. I'm hopped up on Coca-Cola and the anticipation of birthday cupcakes. I think I have Spring Fever.

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