Tuesday, March 1, 2011

On My Mind

I have a few things on my mind right now, so this will probably go from one topic to the next with no rhyme or reason.

I was watching Holly's World a few days ago (don't judge me.) and something said to Josh, Holly's friend, by his therapist kind of struck a chord with me. His therapist told him that between 30 and 35, you tend to or are supposed to be coasting a bit in life. So your late twenties, 25-29-ish, you should be preparing to coast. It seemed to make sense to me and also let me know that I need to get it together in the next 375 days. In a lot of ways, I am getting things in order. In the employment department, it's still a work in progress. I guess when things are meant to happen and the time is right, they will.

I'm hopeful that my semi-recent interest in being more fit will help me coast through my early thirties. I've gotten together with some of the girls in my ward to run and work out. What's so praise-worthy about that is that they meet at 5:30. In the morning. It's only been two days that I've gone, but I am really liking it. Don't get me wrong, 5:00 is earlier than I've ever gotten up on purpose, even for Seminary. But if it gets my booty in better shape and gives me more motivation to train for my races, I'm all about it. Besides, when other people are there, it makes it a lot easier to do. And I'm much more inclined to stick to some sort of regiment if I think that someone is depending on me or will be questioning me about my laziness. Today, right now, for my situation right now, I'm committed. I mean, the running will have to continue because I've already paid to run the Marine Corps Marathon, so at that's going to keep me going.

The other, completely random, thing that's on my mind is Charlie Sheen. I'm hoping that by getting this out of my head that I won't think about it anymore because it's complete garbage and I have no business worrying about it. I was watching the interviews that he's done this past week and I think he's completely lost it. The thing that really bothered me, though, was his "goddesses." I didn't think it was okay with Hugh Hefner had multiple girlfriends, but it seemed to be a one-off. Now that Charlie Sheen has gone and publicly said that he has two girlfriends and they're all in love with each other and they're helping to raise his kids.

It's just disturbing to me. I may be jumping the gun, but this kind of makes me worry a bit that guys will start thinking that it's okay, or worse - that they're entitled to, carry on relationships with more than one woman simultaneously and publicly. Sure, I know that people cheat all the time and it's wrong just the same, but for it to somehow become accepted or even "cool" to do that sort of thing makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong, I don't see it happening over night, but I do worry that my own kids will have to live in a world that accepts that sort of behavior and it's just one more thing to have protect them from. I feel less sorry for the two consenting women he's involved with and more for his poor kids. He has daughters that will eventually realize what's really going on. How do you explain that to them? How do you teach them that they're worth more than that and deserve better than a guy like their own dad? It's truly sad to me.

I guess I should count my blessings that I'm not involved in any way, shape or form with them. It's just one more thing that reminds me of how blessed I am to have parents with a sense of self-worth and a conscience and morals and who taught me and my brother those things. They taught me to respect myself and to not settle for less than what I deserve and they taught my brother to respect others, women in particular.

I'm positive that this came out strange and probably isn't exactly what I'm thinking or feeling, but I'm just glad to have it out of my head.

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